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Todd and Julie Rooker

I don't think you should be opening up a new "show room"! My husband and I have left numerous messages, emails and every other form of communication to NO response from you! We were trying to purchase furniture however after many months of NO response and giving money to another furniture company to purchase your furniture, we are contemplating going the states attorney generals office, the commerce department and the better business bureau to file formal complaints of fraud! Maitland Smith is NO Henredon! Shame on your business practices!!!!


After contacting you and learning the exact nature of your concerns, we sincerely apologize for the lack of timely response. Our customers are very important to us, and we appreciate knowing where we are perceived as failing to give good service. As it turns out, you wanted to purchase two chairs that have been discontinued with no stock available. We were able to locate one of these chairs and have given you the contact information. We hope that in future you will continue to look to Maitland-Smith for your home furnishings needs.

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