You may be surprised to know that mobile web use hit an important milestone in 2008 when mobile access to the internet exceeded desktop computer-based access for the first time. (Source: International Telecommunications Union, Oct. 2009)
For those of you who depend on your iPhone or Blackberry, (and well over 80% of the US population carries a mobile phone all the time), we have good news for you.
Now, when you visit the Maitland-Smith website using your mobile device, you no longer see a tiny replica of our full site. Instead, you see the website with all the information you need on your screen, right at your fingertips.
Shown below is the screen you will view when using your mobile devide to access our website.
As an example, click on "Products" and view this screen.
Select a category, and "voila," - the images appear for easy viewing.
Maitland-Smith's goal with the mobile site is to target audiences who are frequently 'on the road' as well as retail sales personnel who do not have access to a computer, designers who are out and about doing what they do best, and the general consumer who would not think about living without their mobile device, says Marcell Lomax, VP of IT for Furniture Brands International.We plan to continue to invest in tools that best fit into the busy on-the-go lives of our valued dealers, partners, sales reps, employees and fans.
At Maitland-Smith we continue to be committed to offering the finest in home furnishings as well as in keeping up-to-date with the latest technology for our dealers and customers as we go on into the 21st century.